Monday, June 29, 2009


My blood flows with high speeds.
And heart beats aloud.
I walk fast.
And I talk with all energy flowing to mouth.
I care for my beloved.
I care and so don't dare to see a drop of tear from them.
I am a passionate guy.
And so I give my complete self.

Life runs slowly in reality.
It runs as destined.
World follows simple rules.
It follows the rules of nature.
People depart.
They do without reasons.
Distance begets closeness.
I fail to realize the least.
I failed to realize all these.
I am so passionate about life too.
I forget to see the other side of the coin.

This was one of the poems I wrote when I was in Infy. It came out of me to console myself when magic moments flew past my imagination. I had to conclude things to frame new moments. To look for new moments.

But these moments turn out to be magic when left alone. Truth is stranger than fiction. Flow with the rules of nature. All moments turn out to be magic and miracles.The last line of the poem says " I forget to see the other side of the coin ". Now I don't want to see how many sides a coin has. But the passion continues.....

1 comment:

  1. is cannot try to frame your own magic moments..its just happens out there in the chaotic world..

    nice reminds of infy days :)
