not uncommon that one gets type casted as a rational person OR an
emotional person. In reality, are they mutually exclusive or do they
co exist? Is it right to say a person is rational/ emotional person?
Or would it be appropriate to say that a person is rational at some
points of time/situations and emotional in others??. I think the
concept of chemical equilibrium would be of some help in this
us invoke a constant called K personality (Kp ).
This constant is a measure of both rational and emotional components
of a person and it stays more or less constant for a person. At any
point in time/situation, our reactions/ behavior are a combination of
both the components and Kp tells which of the 2 components
is dominating. So the equilibrium condition looks somewhat like this
= -----------------
Kp < 1, The person's rational component dominates.
Kp = 1, The person's rational and emotional components
are roughly equal.
Kp > 1, The person's emotional component dominates.
my opinion, Kp is unique to a person. For Eg: If my Kp
is 0.5, it implies my rational faculty dominates the emotional
faculty. Now what happens if this equilibrium is altered by external
factors?? As always, Le chatelier's principle comes into picture.
1: If RHS (Emotions) are high under some altered conditions.
of a job, troubled relationship, achievement etc etc can have
heightened emotions (happy, sad, anxiety, stress, fear etc depending
on the situation). Since the equilibrium is altered, the rational
faculty comes into picture to reduce the emotions such that the
equilibrium is restored.
I loose a job and troubled by it, then I would say to myself that
it's not so hard to get another job and so the situation is not very
there is lot of jubilation due to an achievement, then I would
recall the temporariness of everything in order not to get carried
by the happiness.
such cases, the rational understanding of the world will help to calm
down the heightened emotions such that Kp
2: If LHS (Reasons) are high under some altered conditions.
dwelling too much in the so called “perceived
truths of the world”, one
can become very numb (Eg: States of Nihilism, agnosticism etc etc).
The understanding of the world which initially makes someone
comfortably numb, would not be a desirable state to be in for too
long. Since the equilibrium is altered, emotions
are needed to restore the equilibrium. I would in such cases indulge
in activities which brings out emotions of “desirable anxiety” (a
risky trek for Eg), Fun and nostalgia (hanging out with friends and
going out ) and such things so that Kp
writing this post itself was an exercise to restore the altered
equilibrium for me ;-)